Powered by Machine Learning. Empowering Clean Energy. PRODUCT OVERVIEW
AI-enabled pioneering proprietary predictive platforms we’re able to identify and solve complex and impactful problems.
In order to realize a truly carbon neutral society, the nuclear power industry must find innovative ways to become more cost-effective.
If nuclear energy wants to compete as a cost-effective, clean energy source, innovative approaches that simulate and monitor the behavior of nuclear reactors are now more crucial than ever.
Our proprietary AI and Machine Learning methods are utilized to evaluate past and real-time data to create fast-running models that will analyze data sets, predict and prevent catastrophic operational delays, and drive better protocols for regulation compliance, efficiency, and safety, saving you millions of dollars in the process.
With our AI and Machine Learning solutions, you can vastly reduce costs by accurately predicting component failures, MCO projections, Eigenvalue projections for hot k-effective, and forecasting Thermal Limits projections.
Blue Wave’s solutions are more reactive than current methods and require less human interaction, which leads to improved efficiencies, a lower risk of incident or accidents, and mitigates potential risks to personnel and the environment. provides powerful pioneering proprietary predictive tools that support:
– Optimizing fuel loading by forecasting MCO and eigenvalue at the design stage
– Monitoring MCO and eigenvalue evolution throughout the operational cycle
– Anomaly detection (e.g., early identification of leakers)
– Forecasting Thermal Limits to help reduce design margin
As of 2021, over half of the Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs) in the United States domestic fleet have integrated our products and services within their reload core design and cycle management processes to great acclaim.
We employ pioneering-proprietary AI technologies to identify, characterize, and solve complex problems within the nuclear energy industry, combing the insight and expertise of exceptional scientific technical talent with state-of-the-art advances in AI and Machine Learning to transform your data into solutions for the world’s most byzantine problems.
Our next-gen AI-enabled solutions fit seemlessly into your reload planning process. |
Leverage unparalleled
visibility into Mositure Carryover with is a prediction platform for Moisture Carryover in BWRs. More specifically, it is a Clean Energy tool that yields real-world, high-value results via Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Its predictions enable visibility into mositure carryover, reduce exposure risk, ensure long-term viability of key plant assets, enhance core efficiency, and reduce fuel costs. Use to predict Moisture Carryover more accurately than you ever thought possible. |
fundamental parameters, reduce reload fuel costs, and monitor fuel cycle energy requirements with is a prediction platform for hot k-effective in BWRs. Precisely, it is a state-of-the-art tool that yields real-world, high value results via Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. This clean energy prediction platform for eigenvalue in BWRs enables powerful predictive capability of one of the most funddamental parameters in Nuclear Engineering, reduces reload fuel costs, and ensures fuel cycle energy requirements are met. See how our predictions can save you millions in reload costs.
LEARN | Thermal
Optimize precise core reload design cycle projections and operating cycle predictions with Thermal
Thermal is our proprietary AI-based prediction platform for thermal limit bias reduction in BWRs which perfectly complements your reload planning process. Thermal empowers your reload process to become more efficient, reduce unexpected downtime, and yield invaluable insights into online BWR thermal limits, saving you millions in unnecesary costs. |
Experience the
most efficient and fully automated reload planning, optimized for precision and performance with
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Your Fuel Cycles |
Make every
neutron count with reads and analyzes your neutron flux monitor performance in real-time so you can avoid unnecessary maintenance costs and generation losses maximize the life of your flux monitors prevent TS violations by managing offline monitors more intelligently.
Enable next-gen calibrations with
precision and accuracy with
Introducing Tip, a cutting-edge AI-driven solution designed to optimize Local Power Range Monitor (LPRM) calibration in Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs). By leveraging advanced algorithms, Tip enhances precision in monitoring reactor performance, leading to improved safety and efficiency. With its ability to automate and fine-tune calibration processes, this innovative tool reduces downtime and operational costs, ensuring optimal reactor functionality. Experience the future of nuclear power management with Tip, setting new standards for reliability and performance in the industry.
Built with the device agnostic user in mind, and to reduce the friction of the Internet. It just works. Any device. Anywhere.
SUPER FEATURES is a robust state-of-the-art cloud application for the nuclear power industry that provides unparalleled accuracy for both core reload design and cycle management engineering applications.
More intuitive and more speed. can upload, generate, and filter data, reports, and projections effortlessly and seamlessly. Resulting in more productivity, efficiency, and increased revenue.