Core Optimization
Energize reload core design with the BWnuclear.ai software suite. Secured on the Gov Cloud, BWnuclear.ai is a powerful AI platform that integrates seamlessly into established processes, whether it be for reload core design or cycle management applications. Its predictive power has enabled game-changing improvements in the reload planning process, resulting in millions of dollars in savings per fuel cycle. Transform your data into unprecedented visibility and game-changing solutions.
MCO.ai Platform enables visibility into moisture carryover, reduces exposure risk, ensures long-term viability of key plant assets, enhances core efficiency, and reduces reload fuel costs in Boiling Water Reactors.
eigenvalue.ai is a state-of-the-art SaaS platform for predicting the eigenvalue in BWRs. eigenvalue.ai enables powerful predictive capability of one of the most fundamental parameters in nuclear engineering, reduces reload fuel costs, and ensures that the fuel cycle energy requirements are met.
Thermal Limits.ai is a prediction platform for Thermal Limit Bias reduction in BWRs that will perfectly complement your reload planning process. You can become more efficient, reduce unexpected downtime, and gain invaluable insight with our powerful AI-based proprietary predictive capabilities and technological expertise. Become more efficient and reduce unexpected downtime with AI and machine learning.
CoreDesigner.ai seamlessly integrates into existing licensed methodologies to transform your core design over multiple cycles optimizing: fuel loading & shuffling, control rod patterns, and core flow schedules. Eliminate operational waste with AI powered core design for PWRs and BWRs
FluxGenius.ai is next-gen neutronics monitoring, analysis, and prediction tool that secures reactor safety by helping keep flux monitor instrumentation operating and accurately calibrated, and enables significant savings from avoiding unnecessary maintenance actions resulting from incorrect power readings in BWRs.
Tip Trace.ai is a cutting-edge AI-driven solution designed to optimize Local Power Range Monitor (LPRM) calibration in Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs). By leveraging advanced algorithms, Tip Trace.ai enhances precision of TIP Trace alignment to the physical LPRM locations.
We solve previously unsolvable problems
Nuclear Energy
By utilizing your existing plant data and documents our Machine Learning models can help reduce fuel and O&M costs and optimize document preparation costs allowing nuclear energy to better compete as a cost-effective, sustainable energy source to power our carbon neutral, clean energy future.
Our solutions integrate your domain knowledge, data, and documents into concrete solutions which save millions in reload fuel costs, minimize the mundane paperwork, eliminate operational challenges, predict component failures, automatically review operational documents, and optimize scheduled downtime
Use your data and our expertise to mitigate risk and increase efficiency.
Military Defense and National Security
AI and Machine Learning have the potential to be a transformative national security technology comparable to the impacts that integrated circuits and biotech have had on strategy, organization, priorities, and allocation of resources.
Learn how your data can be transformed into critical intelligence and utilized to recognize patterns, derive correlations, and effectively assess complex, chaotic situations to mitigate national security risks.